Maintenance Guide
We pride ourselves in the condition of our properties when you first move in and the standard of our on-going maintenance. Throughout your stay with us we will periodically inspect the property as we have a responsibility to make sure the property is being occupied as intended, treated with respect and to pick up on any maintenance. It is your responsibility to take reasonable care of the property and to report the need for repairs promptly before they become a major concern. We've created a short checklist below:
Smoke alarm – Make sure that your alarm/s are working properly by testing once a week.
Condensation – Condensation occurs when warm air meets a cold surface and forms water droplets. This is commonly seen on windows and mirrors, particularly after a hot bath. You can help minimise condensation by using the extractor fan, not blocking vents, shutting doors while bathing or cooking and not drying clothes on radiators. Report any damp patches/ mould growth immediately as this can have a major impact on the health of your household.
Garden – Keep any garden well maintained and neat.
Waste – Dispose of your waste responsibly and in the correct containers to prevent insects and other pests.
Sinks - You should ensure that no food or other waste is allowed to block the drains
Painting – Alterations to the property are not permitted. However, if you wish to do any painting please inform us beforehand.
Gas, electricity & water- Report any emergency issues to the relevant utility as soon as possible. You will have been made aware of the isolation switches for gas, electricity and water when you first moved in. You are not allowed to repair any gas, electrical or water supplies.
Please note that failure to maintain your property in a suitable condition, or issues that arise due to your neglect, may be rechargeable to you.
Inspection Service
Our in-house team will conduct regular property inspections to ensure that all properties are maintained to the highest possible standards. We keep photographs and videos of the property. All our property inspections are recorded and include details on:
- Residing tenants
- Safety fixtures & features
- Utility readings
- Condition & cleanliness of property
- Tenant feedback
- Additional inspections are undertaken where we are concerned for the health, safety and welfare of residents.